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Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Latihan Pertemuan 3

 Sempurnakan algoritma 3.3. dengan akar imajiner berbentuk : a + bi dengan a dan b bilangan real dan bila harga
Buatlah algoritma dan class beserta method untuk mengecek apakah pemakai memasukkan bilangan bulat atau bilangan real.  

Berikut adalah kode C++:


using namespace std;
class imajiner{
float xRiil;
float xImajiner;
float x;
float y;
float z;
float n;
float a;
float a1;
float a2;

void nilai(float p, float q){
float hasil();};
float imajiner::hasil(){        
cout <<"\nMasukkan Koefisien a: ";     cin>>x;        
cout <<"Masukkan Koefisien b: ";     cin>>y;         
cout <<"Masukkan Koefisien c: ";     cin>>z;
n = y * y - 4 * x * z;                              
cout << "\nDiskriminan= (" << y << " * " << y << " - 4 * " << x << " + " << z <<") = " << n << endl;
cout << "Akar persamaan " << x <<"x^2 + " << y << "x + " << z <<" = 0" << endl;

if (n > 0)
a1 = (-y+sqrt(n))/(2*x);
a2 = (-y-sqrt(n))/(2*x);
cout << "x1 = " << a1 << endl;
cout << "x2 = " << a2 << endl;
else if (n == 0)
a = -y/(2*x);
cout << "x1 = x2 = " << a << endl;
xRiil = -y/(2*x);
xImajiner = sqrt(-n)/(2*x);
cout << "\nImajiner: " << endl;
cout << "x1 = " << xRiil << " + " << xImajiner << " * i "<< endl;
cout << "x1 = " << xRiil << " - " << xImajiner << " * i "<< endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
imajiner satu;
float p,q;
cout<<"\nOleh iful";
return 0;


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